Okayodysseus Gallery
yarn wig
okayodysseus:archetype aesthetics: ghost towns
okayodysseus: troy is falling and helen’s brought her axe (m.m.); a modern aesthetic for
okayodysseus: did you always bleed stone? (m.m.) a modern aesthetic for the muses “you girls w
okayodysseus: star wars trios: the sequel triology
okayodysseus:The Muses: ∟ Anne Hathaway as Calliope Emmy Rossum as Clio &n
okayodysseus: literature posters, featuring anna karenina “There was no solution, but that uni
okayodysseus: baba yaga aesthetics something wicked this way comes requested by @eetrelibre
okayodysseus: mythological posters, featuring achilles “From the Greek Αχι&lamb
okayodysseus: star wars trios: the sequel triology
axollo: high school gods (insp. @okayodysseus) name: aphrodite likes: neoclassical ballet, keep
okayodysseus: film posters, featuring mad max: fury road “You never gonna have a better chance