Old Testament Gallery
6lues ocs
carlos castaneda
Journey of the Queen of Sheba by Apollonio di Giovanni, c. 1460-65Journey of the Queen of Sheba by A
Jan Gossaert (1478-1532), ‘Kain und Abel’, “Chronik für vervielfältigende Kunst&rd
Illustrations from the Alba Bible, an illuminated manuscript translation of the Old Testament made f
Nikolai Golovanov, The Trinity of the Old Testament.
Salome bringing the head of John the Baptist to Herod’s banquet- detail from the predella of a
Moses and the Brass Serpent, unknown Flemish artist, 17th century
‘The story of Esther’ by Marco del Buono Giamberti and Apollonio di Giovanni di Tomaso, 1460-70
Landscape with Moses and the Burning Bush, Domenichino (Domenico Zampieri), ca. 1610-16
Hagar and Ishmael Banished by Abraham, Pieter-Jozef Verhaghen, 1781
“Joseph and Asenath” by Hugo van der Goes, c. 1475
Moses Ordering the Slaughter of the Midianites, Claes Cornelisz. Moeyaert (aka Nicolaes Moeyaert), 1
Susanna and the Elders, Francis van Bossuit, ca. 1690
Isaac Blessing Jacob, Gerrit Willemsz. Horst, 1638
Landscape with Noah’s Offering of Thanks, Joseph Anton Koch, ca. 1803
Title page to the “Book of Judith” by Diebold Lauber,1441-1449 German Bible, Heidelberg
Adam and Eve, unknown South German or Austrian artist, 1st half of 17th century
Esther and Assuero by Artemisia Gentileschi, c. 1630
The Shade of Samuel Invoked by Saul, Bernardo Cavallino, ca. 1650-56
David and Goliath, Michel Coxie (1499-1592)
Moses saved from the waters by Orazio Gentileschi, 1633
God Creating the Birds and the Fishes, Maerten de Vos, 1600-02