Pagan Russia Gallery
lifestyle drugs
Ded Moroz (rus. Дед Мороз “Grandfather Frost”, aslo known as Морозко (Morozko), Студень
Ancient russian temple, Vsevolod Vyacheslavovich Ivanov
Interior of Demeter temple, Eleusis
Tha pagans of Mari El, Russia, a traditional pagan people in Europe
Pagan Theme by Boris Olshansky.Zmey (f: zmeyitsa) is a dragon or serpent, or sometimes a human-
“Witch” by contemporary Russian artist, Yulia Litvinova.
Андрей Шишкин
Chugaystr [chugha'ister](from ukr. “Чугайстер"— "The forest man&am
russianoligarch: Pagani Huayra by Axion23
Russia’s Olympic Champion Alina Zagitova takes the lead after Ladies Short Program.Zagitova sk
Natalya Bukanova’s illustration.
So in love with these creatures
petitepointplace:I have never seen a Motanka with a head like this. Love it. For others: Motan
Inspired by Vasnetsov
Svarog by Boris Olshansky. Svarog (Old East Slavic: Сваро́гъ; Russian: Сварог) is a Slavic god with
aqua-regia009: Sirin and AlkonostThe Birds of Joy and Sorrow, 1896.By Viktor Vasnetsov (1848-1926)
Viking Silver Pendant “Odin and the crows”, XI с.
Medieval Icons Pendant, XVI century.
Amulets Ancient Rus. XI-XII centuries.
Old Russian women’s jewelry, XI - XII century.
lugvelesasrz: Михаил Полетаев - Иван Купала (Michail Poletayev - Ivan Kupala Holiday)