Papau Gallery
stuart reardon
hypnotized sissy
TransparentAesthetic *Source:PAPAU*
TransparentAesthetic *Source:PAPAU*
papaue00: pretty cowboah
papaue00: step on me daddy (part 2)
papaue00: handsome boah
papaue00:proof he invented sexy smoking. exhibit #????
papaue00: tits
papaue00: step on me daddy (part 2)
papaue00: this expression doesn’t match this lighting at all but still a cute pic i guess
papaue00: proof he invented sexy smoking. exhibit #????
papaue00: wish i put him in fancier clothes cuz this pic turned out looking kinda like a cologne/wri
papaue00:the blissful look on his face when he’s in a bathtub
papaue00:(more) arthur + flowers
papaue00: molly
papaue00: s-sir…
papaue00: rdr2 graphics so good you can make some nice fake movie/tv series screenshots out of it.
papaue00: that hair blow in the second photo
papaue00: pomaded short hair arthur my beloved i don’t think short-haired arthur gets enough l
papaue00:he doesn’t have to make this face tho
papaue00: some modern au-looking shots
papaue00: a very specific kink of mine is arthur’s eyes being obscured by his hat