Patrick Troughton Gallery
mixed model
nice nips
ryan kapp
leda74:An off-camera moment during the making of The Five Doctors.
onchyart:The first ruleThe Doctor lies. He also accumulates knowledge, both practical and theoretica
cleowho:“I will not be your slave!”Evil of the Daleks - season 04 - 1967
bonnielangford:Pat Troughton’s Second Doctor
Doctor Who Trading Cards (1-4). Vía | The Guardian.
Patrick Troughton as Robin Hood (1953) in Robot of Sherwood.
cleowho:“This is a sonic screwdriver.”The War Games - season 06 - 1969
cleowho:“…it’s the classical way of getting through as maze.”The Mind Robber - season 06 - 1968
cleowho:“Must be four years ago now.”The Invasion - season 06 - 1968
065 THE THREE DOCTORS by Bob Baker & Dave MartinIllustrated by theverysightSEASON 10 / STORY 1Ti
032 The Underwater Menace by Geoffrey OrmeIllustrated by gluecookieSeason 4, Story 5:The TARDIS land
theoncomingchaos:Happy Birthday Patrick Troughton <3 You are so loved and missed.
cleowho:How wonderful is Patrick Troughton’s Doctor?The Web of Fear - season 05 - 1968
hislostshadow:#Two wants to swap backThat is perhaps one of the best things I have read all day.
silvermarmoset:Doctor Who Challenge, Day 5: Favourite TARDIS TeamZoe, Jamie, and the Second Doctor
20x07 The Five DoctorsExcept really only four.
doctorwhofiles:1983, Doctor Who convention in Chicago.
iamdinomartins:Happy Birthday Patrick Troughton! (March 25, 1920)
030 The Power of the Daleks by David WhitakerIllustrated by bombard-a-drab-mobSeason 4, St
amalthea9: Some more Anne and Klove. <3 I’m so in love with Klove it’s ridiculou