Pc4sh Gallery
courting alex
bass girls
franz kuck
pc4sh:doodle of my friend’s theory; Mega Sceptile seeds would shines/light up as it activates it’s L
pc4sh:oops my hand slipped
pc4sh:GRENINJA (Grenouille [Frog] + Ninja), final evolution of Froakie!Oh man I love the idea they h
pc4sh:A little experiment with those little adorable mad computers.[ Chibi Paint (Pokégraph Oekaki),
pc4sh:he’s surprisingly hard to draw :o I haven’t got him/her yet, but I’m hunting hard o/[ Chibi Pa
pc4sh:finally got to speedpaint again and decided to draw Xerneasgodammit those horns were a pain to
pc4sh:Clash between TLoZ: Ocarina of Time and Pokémon. A sightly modified Noctowl during nightfall t
pc4sh:went totally crazy on this, anyhow I kinda like their designs now
pc4sh:went totally crazy on this, anyhow I kinda like their designs now
pc4sh:trying out FireAlpaca! It’s a really nice program indeed!couldn’t resist the occasion to doodl
pc4sh:sorry I got a job so I’m so busy I rarely even doodle by these days—HOENN REMAKE, FINALLY
pc4sh:sorry I got a job so I’m so busy I rarely even doodle by these days—HOENN REMAKE, FINALLY
pc4sh:a little something for lure-ball! I hope he’ll/she’ll shines soon!and I take the occasion to w
pc4sh:Flabébé really looks like it could be an enemy in any Kirby game (。’▽’。)♡
howquicktheyforget: I loved pc4sh’s idea for Dragonite mega evolution and I wanted to ma
pc4sh:I was trying to guess the shiny color scheme of the new starters; Fennikin, Froakie &
howquicktheyforget: I loved pc4sh’s idea for Dragonite mega evolution and I wanted to mak