Pearl Yes Gallery
Topped out on Mt. Hood yesterday via the Pearly Gates. Probably my favorite climb so far. &nbs
yesa sexy new trendfor all to followon sale too…!
yessoon everyone they know will be wearing Pearlyhose too…
yesa fresh batch of Suits and Hoseare ready
yesbeing properpoised and perfectat all times is difficultfor a busy mindlucky for youyou are n
Yesthat’s right isn’t it?you know your Bunmust be Upyou know your Hosemust be Onyou
yesgoing to the Salonis much more than Hair, Makeup and Wardrobeit means becoming part of the Salon&
yesyet still even more Suits and Hose
yeseven after all the others have goneBun gives you the disciplineto go on
yesyou will still be slipping intoyour Pearlyhosein the Future
yeswhat more you need?Bun, Hose and heelsand a dress shirtjust check for your instructionsand you&rs
yesyou are on your phones almost constantly nowaren’t you?what could be so captivatingtha
yes…this is much better isn’t it?
yes…quite Properand perhaps.a trifle bit naughty…
yeseven after all the others have goneBun gives you the disciplineto go on
yesQuite Proper