Philosanglos Gallery
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james pollard
barbara luna
philosanglos: Mmmm……..
mastereighteen: philosanglos: Alabaster…with precious jewels…. Balance
philosanglos: I know that look from my ballet dancer……..
philosanglos: I feel the chorus girl mode coming on…….
philosanglos: Says I need a firm hand……….
philosanglos: Nice image……….
philosanglos: Definitely not Ophelia………..
philosanglos:Good morning……….
philosanglos:Approaching succulence…………
philosanglos: I’ll always look after you, she murmured………..
philosanglos:Bright, hungry and beautiful………
moansareuniversal: jcrandom2012: moansareuniversal: fascile: philosanglos: Just a quick freshen up&h
audicoupefan: philosanglos: She is pretty gorgeous………
audicoupefan: philosanglos: She is pretty gorgeous………
lovelymenlang: philosanglos: Let’s not go down for breakfast yet……….. Bea
philosanglos: Textures……..