Pierrepaulprudhon Gallery
lanius excubitor
The Union of Love and Friendship, Pierre-Paul Prud'hon, c. 1793, Minneapolis Institute of Art: Paint
Crucifixion, 1822, Pierre-Paul Prud'honMedium: oil,canvas
pierre-paul-prudhon: Phrosine et Mélidore, Pierre-Paul Prud'hon, 1797, Minneapolis Institute
The Glorification of the government of Burgundy, 1786, Pierre-Paul Prud'honMedium: oil,canvas
Standing Female Nude, 1800, Pierre-Paul Prud'honMedium: chalk,charcoal,paperwww.wikiart.org/
Seated Female Nude, 1800, Pierre-Paul Prud'hon
Head of Plutus, God of Wealth, Pierre-Paul Prud'hon
pierre-paul-prudhon: The King of Rome, 1811, Pierre-Paul Prud'honMedium: oil,canvas
pierre-paul-prudhon: Portrait of Constance Mayer, 1804, Pierre-Paul Prud'hon
Venus, Hymen and Love, Pierre-Paul Prud'hon
Seated Female Nude, 1800, Pierre-Paul Prud'honwww.wikiart.org/en/pierre-paul-prud-hon/seated
pierre-paul-prudhon: Justice and Divine Vengeance pursuing Crime (study), 1808, Pierre-Paul Prud'hon
Phrosine et Mélidore, Pierre-Paul Prud'hon, 1797, Minneapolis Institute of Art: Prints and Dr