Pollinatorgarden Gallery
tiny book
Leather pictures
Crimson clover is no joke! #nofilter #garden #gardening #pollinatorgarden #zerowastehomestead #homes
This spring and summer’s project starting to fill in. Pictures were taken this m
Aesculus parviflora var serotina Rogers is striking with its enormous long bottlebrush flowers. It d
Happy Summer Solstice !!!Echinacea pallida ‘Hula Dancer’ and guest - Green Sw
Coreopsis. Food for butterflies, bees, birds, and the spirit. I have so many seeds of this flower th
A few years back I did a daily mixed media post about bones called bone_a_day. I think I did it for
Prepping the final seed packets for my native plant workshop next weekend. These are the ones I&
The rest of my seed labels came from the printer! Now I just have to cut them all out and glue them
One of my favorite spring flowers. Bees love em too. They make a great addition to your pollinator g