Post-rock Gallery
excitement intensifies
Audrey HadornLes Discrets
This is something us post rock boys have to deal with far too often
Are we here?Are you scared?Can you fake a smile?
Now that you know how much it hurts Nei giorni in cui ascolto il nuovo disco dei Notwist il governo
Isis - Wavering Radiant
SAFETYby Aaron Harris + Kris Dirksen
Black is the new Orange. :)
Glasir - Unborn (via Glasir)
‘True Widow- Circumambulation’ cover, 2013 (after Yakov Fyodorovich Kapkov)Listen to the
71) Oathbreaker - RheiaAnother hodgepodge of black metal, post-rock, and post-hardcore, but this tim
Philip Jamieson. Caspian, live at Lincoln Hall (via The Light Archives | Igor Kasyanyuk)
Vesta by Gallo Gioele
ryr - left fallow
Still Motions - Mirrors
All shall be well (and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well) - Zwartgroen
Red Sparowes - The Fear is Excruciating. But Therein Lies the Answer
Caspian - On Circles
Törzs - Tükör
Cavallo - Interstices
harbor lights - isolation ritual
ghosts of glaciers - the greatest burden
Noorvik - Omission
Hugar ~ Varða (via Hugar ~ Varða | a closer listen)
Cult of Luna - A Dawn of Fear