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This time we got the chance to go to the IDF Race “Laguna DH Race 3″ at Atoyac, JaliscoPhs by Julio
This Saturday Sesh goes so well that we skate till the end of the day Ph by JulioMayo 2016
Set Up of the week goes to Pelos with this Barge Sector 9 DD REY Trucks 45/45Zombie Hawgs 84a
Skateboarding State ChampionshipCuu 2016 Phs by Julio June 2016
Skateboarding State Championship 2016Cuu, MxJune 2016
This weekend photos with Mau and JulioPhs JustisMayo 2016
Set up of the week goes to Andy with this beautyAbril 2016
Last weekend we went to skate “La Chabela” at Cuu Marzo 2016
This past saturday sesh Ph Julio and SkateroadJuly 2016
“Battle for the Spot” RecapPh Andres NavarroFeb 2016
Playing in the park with style Ph JulioMayo 2016
Today, pack runs were rad af Phs: Julio and AndresAgo 2016
Set Up of the week goes to Pelos with this Barge Sector 9 DD REY Trucks 45/45 Zombie Hawgs 84a
This past saturday sesh Ph Julio and Skateroad July 2016
Last weekend we went to skate “La Chabela” at Cuu Marzo 2016
Skateboarding State Championship Cuu 2016 Phs by Julio June 2016
Set up of the week goes to Andy with this beauty Abril 2016
This time we got the chance to go to the IDF Race “Laguna DH Race 3″ at Atoyac, Jal
This weekend photos with Mau and Julio Phs Justis Mayo 2016
Yesterday Sesh was fun af Ph Julio Mayo 2016
Playing in the park with style Ph Julio Mayo 2016
This Saturday Sesh goes so well that we skate till the end of the day Ph by Julio Mayo 2016
“Battle for the Spot” RecapPh Andres NavarroFeb 2016
Today, pack runs were rad af Phs: Julio and Andres Ago 2016