Ratsarepeopletoo Gallery
steven starphase
juju sanpo
You know you’re tired when… you fall asleep with food in your mouth!
Snuggle buds for life.
Kernel and Major J. Hill! Two pretty girls enjoying a chilled out life with their human mom.
That face you make when your Mom wakes you up…
Ratties enjoy digging and playing in dirt! (Always make sure the plants are non-toxic for them
Can squish into small spaces. :)
Peanut - the most fearless and curious little rat soul that ever was!
Have a great weekend and remember to spend lots of time with your loved ones!
Tis the season for chunky knits :)
Abby would like to wish you all a Happy Thursday on this lovely fall day!
Brothers by birth, best friends by choice.
Lentil party!