Readmorecomics Gallery
❤️ Hi! Meet “Clucky” aka Chris P. Sammich by #JeauxJanovsky. Something new in the oven&h
❤️❤️ Because none of you demanded it! Pleased to announce that new 3" x 3" round #Stickers
❤️ Happy cosmic Birthday, Frank Frazetta! Here’s some #PublicDomainChallenge fun! Have you eve
Pleased as #Pepperoni to announce that I am being #Repped by the world’s greatest #LitAgency/#
Barftastic! Scanned in the GPK sketch cover over the weekend and gave it a spiffy new retro comic co
I never miss a chance to retell this amazing Moebius tidbit adventure!!! ••• Repost
Here’s a GPK sketch cover I did a while back. I may scan it in and give it a new retro com
#Bane’s #Slab #Bash! Oh SNAP! It’s on a #TShirt now!? That was FAST! ‼️ •&
My “#Bane cracking open a #CGCComic #Slab” #SpotIllustration for Taylor C Mitche
(Via @off_da_wall_comics) Repost Rewind @jeauxj: #KayfabeTober Day 20: #JimRugg! Feels good to do so
In #PalmSprings for a few days, and of course I got #4K #CartoonistKayfaybe/@cartoonist.kayfabe blaz
❤️ #SkateOrDie! I art-ed a #Rad thing for #JimRugg/@jimruggart’s #StreetAngel thing! Was f