Recycledart Gallery
learn colors
40 Days of Art/15It was a very good year. Turning 60 today! #idesofmarch #57chevy #pisces #milestone
52 Weeks of Tea/18 May showers, June flowers? #recycledart #teabag #rainydays #52weeksoftea #rubysil
363 days of tea. Day 354. Four calling birds. #12daysofchristmas #countdownbegins #teabag #recycleda
363 days of tea. Day 346. #nutcrackerseason #recycledart #twiningstea #royalcuptea
Eggshell shards 3 #funeverywhichway #repurposed #recycledart
Winter clearance #sweaterweather #endofseasonsale #recycledart #teabag #tea #fashionista #painting
52 Weeks of Tea/7 Snow, finally. #betterlatethannever #winterinnewyork #countrywinter #recycledart
Can’t sleep #caffeinated #recycledart #gouache
Good Saturday morning! Here’s a fine piece that didn’t make it to last year’s seri
363 days of tea. Day 352. #itssnowingsomewhere #recycledart #teabag #twiningstea #earlgrey
363 days of tea. Day 335. #treetrimming #holidaycheer #recycledart
Playing with scraps ~
Happy Thursday! #doodlingaround #recycledart #teabag #watercolor #collage
Color markers on pistachio shells #getcrackin #recycledart #pistachios
Post egg-clipses. What did you do with your breakfast remains? #recycledart #coxsackiefarmersmarket
52 Weeks ofTea/10 Something I learned while I was in Vegas last week. #fullhouse #lasvegas #recycled
April Flowers, Day 104/363 #fbf #tgif #aprilfools #recycledart #teabag #heathandheathertea #heathand
If you’re snowbound and looking for something to do.
363 days of tea. Day 350. I admit I’m not a fan but I couldn’t pass this up! #th
silvirub:363 days of tea. Day 352. #itssnowingsomewhere #recycledart #teabag #twiningstea #earlgrey
52 Weeks of Tea/8 Fish Friday #lent #fisheyes #recycledart #teabag #twiningstea #52weeksoftea
Did someone say pie? | watercolor on Valspar paint chips @valsparpaint #paintchipart #repurposed #re