Renaissance Artists Gallery
gates foundation
category death
animal mummy
The Risen ChristBramantino (Italian; ca. 1465–1530)ca. 1490Mixed technique on panel © Museo Thyssen-
Mercury Ordering Aeneas to Abandon Dido (detail)Orazio Samacchini (Italian; 1532–1577)second half of
Battle standard of Ghent, painted by Agnes van den Bossche, 1482.Agnes van den Bossche (c. 1435–40 –
Michelangelo the Con Artist,The Renaissance was a revival of classical learning and art in Europe, a
halinacrown:Hannibal Art Meme↳ The (Renaissance) Still LifeDuring the Renaissance, artists turned to
Haruko Maeda aka 前田 晴子 (Japanese, b. 1983, Tokyo, Japan, based Linz, Austria) - Renaissance 3, 2017,
Pietro Perugino (1446-1523), ‘Combat of Love and Chastity’, 1505
The Chess Game (Portrait of the Artist’s Sisters Playing Chess), Sofonisba Anguissola, 1555
Art by Lavinia Fontana1. Consecration of the Virgin2. Portrait of a Noblewoman, 15803. Portrait of C
Orazio Samacchini (Italian; 1532–1577)Mercury Ordering Aeneas to Abandon Dido (detail)second half of
Orazio Samacchini (Italian; 1532–1577)Mercury Ordering Aeneas to Abandon Dido (detail)second half of
Orazio Samacchini (Italian; 1532–1577)Mercury Ordering Aeneas to Abandon Dido (detail)second half of
Christ with the Symbols of the Passion, Lavinia Fontana, 1576
The NativityFederico Barocci (Italian; 1535–1612)1597Oil on canvasMuseo Nacional del Prado, Madrid,
Corsets of the Ages, original and inverted (2019)Which one’s your favorite? Help me decide!
Lois Mailou Jones
Lois Mailou Jones
It’s the last day of Black HistoryMonth—a great moment for the gallery debut of the Museum’s newest
“How have Black artists incorporated African art forms in their work?”Visitors make amazing discover
Self-Portrait at the Easel Painting a Devotional Panel, Sofonisba Anguissola, 1556
Portrait of a ManFedericoBarocci (Italian; ca. 1535–1612)ca. 1572–5Oil on canvasThe Metropolitan Mus
Jan Brueghel the Elder (1568-1625) and Hans Rottenhammer the Elder (1564-1625), ‘Allegory- The