Rick Stevens Gallery
onedari kasa
rickstevensart:Morning Mist in the Arroyo oil on linen | 14 x 14" | 2018rick stevens art
New oil on canvas works
Rick Stevens recent oil paintings, 2020
36 x 96″ oil painting in progress
some new works recently finished
some recent in progress oil paintings at the studio
Recent Rick Stevens oil on canvas paintingswww.rickstevensart.com/2021
Rick Stevens working on a 48 x 96″ painting in Santa Fe, NM
Some recently completed 2020 paintings www.rickstevensart.com/2020
Rick Steven new works
Recently completed paintings
5 x 6′ oil on canvas in progresssee more work in progress
working on a new large canvas
Some recently completed paintings
More new works
some recently completed oil paintings
Recent works | Rick Stevens Art
rickstevensart: Autumn Leaves oil on canvas | 48 x 72" | 2018rick stevens art
36 x 96″ oil painting in progress
Recent Rick Stevens oil on canvas paintingswww.rickstevensart.com/2021
Rick Stevens working on a 48 x 96″ painting in Santa Fe, NM