Roman Crafts Gallery
Madison Indiana
autoimmune thyroiditis
gun kink
Roman Glassware for Perfume and Domestic Use, Museum of East Riding, 10.3.18.
Roman Shoes Set 3 at Vindolanda Roman Fort, near Hadrian’s Wall, Northumbria, 24.2.18.
Hadrian’s Wall Reconstruction at Vindolanda Roman Fort, NorthumbriaVindolanda Roman Fort featu
In the dream we had created you spoke to me. Tearing apart the belief that someone good like you cou
This is better in person- dress made from romance novels- completed (August 26, 2016)
Informal documentation of my latest dress made of romance novels
Summer of 2016 in a nutshell
Dress made from romance novels (9-16-2016)
Reworked an old dress over the past couple weeks.
Finished today, because it has to go out in 43 hours…
Still working on this one- It needs to be finished before Friday.And…it needs a title.
Show at Saint Xavier University, Chicago, IL.