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Chesterfield Sofa Set Request from @the-huntingtonGet it all here.Original meshes get it here:Credit
Random conversionsRequest from @the-huntingtonGet it all here.Original meshes get it here:Credit: @k
KaleHouse Rusitc Dinning – Conversion 3t4 from Kalethegrey.tumblr.com / kalejackjared.wixsite.com/ka
To all my followers.For those who want to get hold of my conversions and gift.Then, as before, I hav
Chesterfield Sofa Set Request from @the-huntingtonGet it all here.Original meshes get it here:Credit
Random conversionsRequest from @the-huntingtonGet it all here.Original meshes get it here:Credi
KaleHouse Rusitc Dinning – Conversion 3t4 from Kalethegrey.tumblr.com / kalejackjared.wix
TS4: 1910′s Walking DressI’m slowly going through my WIP’s and finishing those I c
TS4: Little Sailor Boy Outfitinfo:includes a sailor outfit and a straw hatboth meshes were converted