Sacral Art Gallery
Arhanđeli, pastel, 20,7 x 29,4, 1990(Archangels, pastel, 20,7 x 29,4, 1990)
O R A N G E glowing embers of sacral energy. MICHELLE ANDERST “Gemini” oil on wood 18&q
Srce Isusovo, kombinirana tehnika na papiru, 1973.(Heart of Jesus, combined technique on paper, 1973
Simboli četvorice evanđelista, ambon u kapeli Srca Isusova, bronca, 40 x 89 cm, Fratrovac, Zagreb, 1
Arhanđeli, pastel, 20,7 x 29,4, 1990(Archangels, pastel, 20,7 x 29,4, 1990)
Molitva, patinirani gips, 48 x 50 x 105cm, 1979, Pariz(Prayer, patina on plaster, 48 x 50 x 10
Sašao nad pakao, kombinirana tehnika, 20,5 x 30cm, 1990(Descended into Hell, combined t
O R A N G E glowing embers of sacral energy. MICHELLE ANDERST “Gemini” oil on w
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