Sasha Unisex Gallery
orig photo
anita joy
premed interview
Sasha Unisex, tattoo artists specializing in watercolor designs || some of her work
Fox design and tattoo; sculpture by Fab Gore || Sasha Unisex
Sasha update!! Apply if you’re near Milan! -F
sashaunisextattoos: Phoenix || Sasha Unisex Sasha is currently featuring this tattoo as a temporary
And finally, one last post tonight about her upcoming visit to the Barcelona Tattoo Expo. If you&
Here’s what you need to know about the temporary tattoos! The post has also been shared to
Couples’ Tattoos || Sasha Unisex
Watercolor Buddha || Sasha Unisex
A Vans shoe painted by Sasha Unisex featured at the Milan Tattoo Convention in February 2015.
Phoenix || Sasha Unisex
Tattoo collaboration with Sasha Masiuk ( sashatattooing ) || Sasha Unisex
Greyhound watercolor design featured on Sasha’s skateboard || here
Other news! Sasha appears to be selling apparel with her designs. I’ve seen a post or two with
Great news! Sasha is now selling select prints of her work! I’m not exactly sure how long she&
TRY NOT TO PANIC BUT SASHA HAS OPENINGS Okay maybe I’m the only one panicking (and why, I
nyjahatuatao: Sasha Unisex so nice!
Tattoos by Sasha Unisex Follow: bealternativeiscool
1337tattoos:Sasha Unisex
creativocollective: Awesome tattoo artist, Sasha Unisex. http: