Seamount Gallery
ai dick
More uses for gravityOur last post talked about using changes in Earth’s gravity field to measure gr
New Land This tiny island is Nadikdik Atoll (also called Knox Atoll) in the Marshall Islands of the
An alien-like jellyfish has been discovered on the Enigma Seamount near the Mariana Trench, 2.3 mil
thelovelyseas:“We saw this large beautiful jellyfish during a decostop above Monad seamount, with co
There’s a hole in the bottom of the seaIn August of 2012, a large “pumice raft” appeared off the coa
Subducted seamountsSubduction zones are some of the most powerful faults in Earth’s crust. The
actualjackzimmermann: This tiny octopus, whose body measured about five centimeters across, was spot
A pretty seamount in the Misool region of Raja Ampat - Karang Bayangan (aka Shadow Reef)curiomo
todropscience: A deep sea anemone partially attached to a plastic bag in Shiribeshi Seamount, locate
Derelict fishing gear and other marine debris smother existing animals and create an unstable habita
Underwater eruption Kavachi is one of the Pacific Ocean’s more active submarine volcanoes,
322 whales were spotted during our winter aerial survey of the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marin
322 whales were spotted during our winter aerial survey of the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marin
where be the fanfic tho WHERE IT BE…