Senyuu Gallery
I’d do anything for you.——If Cool Towel Blanket isn’t a Shion, I’m gonna throw a fit
“You said that I didn’t know you.”Alba blinks in confusion. “Because you don’t.”“I don’t,” Sion says
Hero, Mourning
Some recent colored senyuu sketches
BEST GIRL COMIN THROUGHMy Senyuu Secret Santa piece for @carmineloom! Happy holidays!
hyaaarrh:gay heroes and their dumb flower crown
kuronata:Ross don’t give no fucks about yo’ animu rules
nachtfaust:“Why the hell did you suddenly turn tsundere? So you bought it just so you could stab me?
the red fox & the hero
i miss alba!! my spring boy
nicocaps: Nico Maki Nyan Nyan Hon, by Senyuu
party time (つ ͡ꈍ ͜ʖ̫ ͡ꈍ )
forgot to post this up publicly for senyu’s secret santa qv q /it’s for @kuhakkuart ! th
Soulmate AU Part 2< Prev Next >
My secret santa piece for the Senyuu secret santa event on discord. @mysticmya hope you have a good