Shiga Lieko Gallery
francisgan:A sense of dread permeates the work of Lieko Shiga as if we are privy to a pagan ritual i
© Lieko Shiga
americanphoto:© Lieko Shiga, courtesy of the artist, courtesy Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.“Mother’s
Voices of Photography 攝影之聲 Issue 26 : 末日棲居 Dwelling in the Apocalypse 面對不可預期的來日,我們是否與德國詩人腓特烈.賀德林(Fri
vom-zauber-der-weihe: Lilly by Lieko Shiga
Lieko Shiga “Rasen Kaigan”. Exhibition at Sendai Mediatheque.“Rasen Kaigan”
Lieko Shiga: “Chiako”, 2007, from the series “Canary”©G
we-find-wildness: Lieko Shiga, Rasen Kaigan on view at Sendai Mediatheque, Miyagi, Japan
francisgan:A sense of dread permeates the work of Lieko Shiga as if we are privy to a pagan ritual i
Voices of Photography 攝影之聲 Issue 26 : 末日棲居 Dwelling in the Apocalypse 關於本期 More info
lieko shiga rasen kaigan album published by akaaka
we-find-wildness: Lieko Shiga, Rasen Kaigan on view at Sendai Mediatheque, Miyagi, Japan