Shinto Gate Gallery
By : zonepress(Do not remove credits)
© | しとりどん(Do not remove credits)
© | Takashi .M(Do not remove credits)
final piece for Comp and Painting with Richard, term 2
meiji procession
Fox 狐
2.The floating red Torii of Miyajima - Hiroshima by belthelem on Flickr.
By : petite-tomo(Do not remove credits)
Torii (sacred gates found in shinto shrines) variations, a great illustrations by @amei_yade. Shown
Statics … Dynamics by Mahalarp Teeradechyothin Via Flickr: Torii (Japanese Shinto Gate) standing in
地主神社 (富山県南砺市相倉)Jinushi Shrine at different times of the day (Ainokura, Nanto-shi, Toyama Prefecture,
kimonojunko: Travelling through the Shinto gates. 神道への門。
Font sagrada / Sacred waters
➀ | ➁ | Hajime Nagahata(Do not remove credits)
Fushimi Inari Taisha
Fushimi Inari part 2
The gate of Ougu shrine. 王宮神社 Some old buddhist statues are enshrined in the gate. Go through this g
鳥居 - torii: sacred Shintō shrine archway, gates to the sacred precincts of a Shintō shrine, gates to
Close up of the decoration from the previous shrine gate.
地主神社 (富山県南砺市相倉)Jinushi Shrine at different times of the day (Ainokura, Nanto-shi, Toyama Prefec
Fushimi Inari part 2