Ship Confession Gallery
faggot cock whore
ventnor avenue
folk dress
I had a comment here at one point that got lost and I forget what it said but it was definitely some
“This is a confession of love, after all.”
Whoever sent this confession I love you and please let me know who you are
I’m hardcore chendy shipper, but as much as I don’t like ro//wen it’s
To all writers and artists (and any other shippers)… Even if your OTP isn’t canon at th
I hope that Mashima ends Fairy Tail in a way that the fans would have to interpret the rest, like wh
“I think Jeanne and Noé may end up with a one sided feelings thing or a ship solely bec
“Vanijeanne is not forced. People only say it is forced because it gets in a way of vanoe.&ldq
Whether it becomes canon or not, NaLu will always be one of my most favorite ships. Fanservice aside
I feel like Mira//xus is one of those ships that you have to squint to see it. So while I do ship it
“For all that vanitas is a popular character, oddly I feel a lot of people only like or care e
“I’m not anti-vanijeanne or anything but it does bother me when people interpret Van
“I’m indifferent towards Dominique. I don’t love her, but I don’t hate her e
“I really can’t get into Vanitas & Jeanne. I just end up skipping their long
“Very sad how everything in the vnc fandoms has become about ships. The only thing this fandom
“I love both Vanitas and Jeanne as characters, but I really hope they don’t end up toget