Shotonmyiphone Gallery
Time is running out to get to Walt Disney World for the Epcot Food and Wine Festival 2017. #FoodandW
I think my meals should always have tiny standing side dishes. #Remy #disneycruiseline #disneycruise
Cinderella’s Castle at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom #cinderellacastle #castle #magi
It’s a Harry Potter weekend. #allofthem #all8ofthem #harrypotter #harrypotterweekend #universa
Spain is one of the new food booths at Epcot’s food and wine festival. #FoodandWineFestival #E
The view of the Statue of Liberty from a boat is Breathtaking. #statueofliberty #newyork #NYC #newyo
A room with a view. Marquis Marriott view overlooking Times Square. #aroomwithaview #newyork #newyor
The Brooklyn Bridge form the river is an amazing view and an incredible experience. It is really som
Norway in Epcot. #waltdisneyworld #waltdisneyworldresort #waltdisneyworldmustdo #waltdisneyworldreso
Moonshine, deviled eggs, charcuterie fish sandwich and greens. #loveartsmithshomcomin #homecomin #ar
Hogwarts Castle at Universal Studios. #universalresortorlando #universalresort #universalstudios #un
Walt Disney World is open. Get yourself to the Epcot Food and Wine festival and try some of the incr