Simstory Gallery
marie-lan nguyen
Come TogetherAh, Christmas! The ultimate time for family gatherings and to reflect upon the events o
93 | TOMORROWNero: Levi, what if we turn them into vampires?Levithian: We will remain as companions
89 | CONFLICTAt noon, Belford Bay. Nocturne Grand HallNero: Hey.Levithian: Hey, Ner. Nero: I c
94 | ENVYLevithian: Go to your brother, talk to him, Ner. Fix your relationship with him if ever pos
92 | QUIT PRO QUO*Levithian: Drop it. We used to be together. Yes, Ner. But I won’t lie.
91 | HOLDING YOUNero: I hear you, loud and clear. You don’t need to repeat yourself. Yet,
90 | COMPLICATEDNero: About me?Levithian: Yeah, of course! You are always the main topic in my
51 | NEIGHBOR Getting up, he takes the bottle with him, picks up Yarni puts it on the coffeetable, a
50 | StaggRJ turned off his phone. Nobody could reach him - in fact, he does not want to talk to any