Sketchtober Gallery
Sketchtober | 021by BladMoranThat awkward moment when you sprouted over the summer
hdotk: Sketchtober 27th: Ouija Jeanmarco AU where Jean took a stupid dare to spend the night in a h
OK! sorry for the spamming but i forgot tumblr for a few days :) day 16 popstar witch is the last fo
Sketchtober | 016by BladMoran
Inktober Sketchtober Day 2: TranquilA friend of mine wanted to see a sleeping Kuriboh for day 2, and
Day 11 Candy witch and the little sister <3 :) for inktober
Sketchtober Days 3 & 4 - Eldritch & TentacledEbrietas from Bloodborne~
Sketchtober Day 6 - RemainsBased on a photo my friend took on a camping trip in the mountains this s
Day 30 : Ēridanós
Pick was the theme for today’s Inktober. When we are in the open, sometimes we find oursel
Day 31 : RUDE BUSTER !
Day 29 : Lost Soundtrack
Day 27: Ed…ward…
Day 26 : Oops !
Day 25 : Wired
Day 24: System Engineer
Day 22 : The meaning of her tears
Day 21: Passe-partout
Day 20: Chrome Denizens
Day 19 : Face to face
Day 18 : Urban Reef
Day 17 : Candélabre
Day 16: FINAL GIRL Bloody but ready to swing, will she make it out alive ?