Slime Stims Gallery
kimon maheras
A Pangender stimboard.Sources: / /
LPS #1363 with Milky Way stims for @/rat-with-coffeeo O oO x Oo O o
twilight sparkle and applejack stimboard with fluff/fur and slime stims for @enbylovingstreamerx /
Fluttershy stimboard with soft stims and cloud slime for anon!x x x | x x | x x x
magenta (blues clues) stimboard with mainly slime stims and a few fabric ones for @sunnytot !! / / /
Helix (ARMS)gif credits (also in captions): @judestims @sushi-stims @peachslimes @glazecake @stimsaf
I have a lot of slimes, but the creamy and stretchy texture of this butter from Kawaii Kawaii Slimes
This is inspired by one of my favorite breathing techniques! Imagine your favorite color fill you u
Video credits go to myself -slayitslime
richie tozierx x x | x x | x x xrequests are open!
bobx x x | x x | x x x
richie tozierx x x | x x | x x xrequests are open!
lovecorex x x | x x x | x x xrequests are open!
emocorex x x | x x | x x x
spyro / cynderx x x | x | x x xrequests are open!
ocellusx x x | x x | x x xrequests are open!
emocorex x x | x x | x x x
pavel chekovx x x | x x | x x x requests are open!
wall-ex x x | x x | x x xrequests are open!
stimstille: source: slimeyflake