Solomon Seal Gallery
Part of the front garden.
Solomon’s seal/storrams (Polygonatum multiflorum).
We had rain last night.Variegated Solomon seal, northern maidenhair fern, silver sage, one of the re
thepoisondiaries:Polygonatum odoratum (angular Solomon’s seal)Polygonatum odoratum, or commonly know
garden2mabelly:Variegated solomon seal is putting out it’s flowers. The young buck was by a couple
Polygonatum multiforum, known as Solomon’s seal, David’s harp or ladder-to-heaven. Storr
More May in the garden.Variegated Solomon seal, mayapple, wood poppy (celandine poppy), and ostrich
galeazzagarden:Galeazza Garden Fern Area; Polygonatum biflorum, Solomon’s Seal
caelidra:socialpsychopathblr:The complete 72 Demons of Solomon and their seals@percyhotspurYISSSSSSS
Black cohosh sprouting, with leaves of Virginia waterleaf, Solomon seal, bloodroot, and black snaker
Some light on the shade garden. June 2013.
King Solomon Seals
A Field of False Solomon’s Seal Maianthemum racemosum, the treacleberry, feathery false li
charnel-divining: socialpsychopathblr: The complete 72 Demons of Solomon and their seals XD
The complete 72 Demons of Solomon and their seals
Vintage pink and chartreuse faded winter hellebore add their charm amid the tall arching stems of th