Soviet Revolution Gallery
tiny zine
Isaak Brodskiy. Vladimir Lenin at the Rally of Putilov Plant Workers in May 1917.1929. State Hi
far-ml: Red Army is a reliable guard of the Soviet country.
gunsandposes: WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE! (Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!). Political poster
Anton Lavinsky. Poster for Sergei Eisenstein’s Battleship Potemkin. 1925. Chrome lithogra
Petrograd, Russia, 1917
Red guards
Celebrating the October Revolution(Carl Mydans. 1960)
Joseph Stalin mugshot
Petrograd, Russia, 1917
Victor Glushkov (1923-82) the man who attempted to implement anti-bureaucratic Socialist Planning in
Novosti, Moscow 1969
Budapest, Hungary, 1956
(In English below this)Сегодня 100 лет той самой революции, которая стала самым большим переворотом
Building the Revolution. Soviet Art and Architecture, Lyubov Popova
gunsandposes: WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE! (Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!). Political poster,
oldrussia: 1987. 70 years of The October Revolution.
unhistorical:Posters for Vsevolod Pudovkin’s ‘revolutionary trilogy’ —M
Путь к октябрю, к мировой революции Road to October, to World Revolution
A Soviet-style militaryparade in Kabul, held on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of theSaur Rev
sovietmontage:266. La hora de los hornos: Notas y testimonios sobre el neocolonialismo, la violencia
sovietreality:Sailors posing for pictures during Russian Revolution of 1917
Budapest, Hungary, 1956