Springscholar Gallery
libri fantasy
baron nashor
japan grammar
21.07.2021 (95/100 Days of Productivity) Tis the season to reread books that were loved years ago.
Introducing one of my favourite spots on campus September In The Rain by Frank Sinatra
25.07.2021 (99/100 Days of Productivity) An ode to calm walks on the beach, cats and books. : The Od
15.06.2021 (59/100 Days of Productivity) Hello friends! I baked chocolate cupcakes today and read ‘T
This is your sign to explore a nearby bookstore <3
04.07.2021 (78/100 Days of Productivity) For July, I decided to learn Spanish. This website ‘here’ i
26.07.2021 (100/100 Days of Productivity) It’s hard to believe that this productivity challenge is o
16.06.2021 (60/100 Days of Productivity) Honestly, this book is difficult, for me, to read hence I’m
“It is with the reading of books the same as with looking at pictures; one must, without doubt, with
15.11.2021Hello friends <3It’s strange to think about how it’s been months since my l
18.07.2021 (92/100 Days of Productivity) Sometimes, you need to do something you enjoy whether that’
24.07.2021 (98/100 Days of Productivity) I had put this book on hold to work on some projects but I’
6.5.21 (19/100 Days of Productivity)Today, I practiced French, watched an interesting documentary an
5.5.21 (18/100 Days of Productivity) I’m getting better at understanding conversations sp
4.5.21 (17/100 Days of Productivity) This is my first junk journal!! I can’t wait to crea
3.5.21 (16/100 Days of Productivity) An ode to pretty clouds, the rustle of papers and relieved
2.5.21 (15/100 Days of Productivity) Today, I made some progress with my assignments and did a
1.5.21 (14/100 Days of Productivity) New month, new desk setup!
29.4.21 (12/100 Days of Productivity) Here’s an old picture of a castle and a new pic
28.4.21 (11/100 Days of Productivity) Today, I practiced my French, began an assignment and wat
27.4.21 (10/100 Days of Productivity) Today, I studied French and wrote down some useful phrase
26.4.21 (9/100 Days of Productivity) Missing museums so here are some pre-pandemic photos. 
25.4.21 (8/100 Days of Productivity) Featuring dessert + a list of French business v