Ss501 Fanart Gallery
lexie pls
lu jinghe
being cute ♥
Watch me do what I want.I feel like this could be an ad for something.
早く僕を呼び醒まして 繰り返す言葉は呪文のよう -Kim Hyun Joong, Wake Me Up
찬란한 너는 나를 깨워 You’re so bright, you wake me up Pastel MinSaeng
Though I’m afraidI’ll fall beautifully like leavesDon’t break my strid
二人だけで決めた道 The path only the two of us choseいまひとりでどこへ行けるのWhere can I go now that I’m a
With beautiful colorsI’ll find you in the black and whiteWith your light, I live- JBJ, True Co
O Sole miote quiero
もう一回叫んでよ SS501!Etymology of the SS501 fandoms.
もう you know who you are