Study Day Gallery
100 Days of Productivity ~ 24 December 2020Uni has been wrapped up for the year, and I’ve been worki
100 Days of Productivity Challenge2021, Day 1/1005 Jan 21Almost a week into the new year, and I’m ex
Friday work
isthsnametakenyet:100 Days of Productivity | 2020Day something (I’ve given up on keeping track), 4th
100 Days of Productivity 2020Day Something of 100, 7th of October 2020I’ve got one month left of Uni
finally decluttered my desk what have you been up to these days?
Start the the day with some healthy goodness for best results ✨
awesomeness2:skatedistrict:Same place, different day.Awesome color study
juliasacads:Day 1/30 •@juliasacads ’ June Study Challenge ❤️
Very very red study from Valentine’s Day.
isthsnametakenyet:100 Days of Productivity 2020Day Something of 100, 7th of October 2020I’ve got one
100 Days of Productivity 2020Day Something of 100, 30 Sep 2020Completed my law ethics presentation t
undeadmachinery:Simple for study and I-have-to-scan-this-comic-asap day
studyrelief:16th april 2016 :[56/100 days of productivity]taken from my ig: @study.relief // when th
Some extra pages from that ballet study day!Just a big mish mash of poses from different videos.
theonion:Study: Not Many Disco Songs About Daytime
Momentum brightening my dashboard all day everyday! What is it?- It’s called “Momentum”.- It’s avail
#tuesdaypaintclub ’s challenge of the day was using only three colours: ultramarine, lemon yel
1/100 days of productivity // (woah original content??) I found a great place to study in peace and
100 Days of Productivity | 2020Day something (I’ve given up on keeping track), 4th AugustThese last
6:38 PM // writing a lab report…what’s new? I’ve been sick these past days so hop
monday, january 25 | day 16/100 of productivitysorry for the late post, i had a hectic morning :( bu
wednesday, january 27 | day 18/100 of productivityyesterday was a BIG study day because wednesday an