Studyabroad Gallery
drawing stomachs
gay sissy cock love
summer outift
perfect waist
Winterline Gap Year: 9 months, 10 countries, 100 skills.
Moroccan tea poured from on high with vegetable appetizers followed by a plum and meat tajine
三重大学での初日は終わりました! ヤナちゃんとともにすでに記入しなければなれなかった文書を渡したし、キャンパスを見回した。暑さはまだ信じられないほどです。そんなに蒸し暑い! First day at
ラーメンを食べて帰る途中。 On the way home from eating ramen. Auf dem Heimweg vom Ramen-essen. #留学生#留学#日本留学 #三重大学
先週末の第71回の三重大学祭楽しかったー!毎年行っているそうだけど私は来年もういないんだね The 71st Mie University festival this past weekend was
土曜日の意味は: リラックス、セーラームーンCrystalと最初の宿題!めっちゃ簡単だけど Saturday stands for relaxing, Sailor Moon Crystal &
I miss my best friend from Spain. We had a blast together.
Saturday night was amazing. I went to a photography event which was so interesting. One of the photo
Himawari House by Harmony Becker. First Second, 2021. 9781250235565. 384pp. with a note on the use o
First night in London. I’m here assisting with a Butler University theatre intensive - po
i visited the small island of Sifnos in Greece. After 4 days on the island (which was empty bc i acc
Boboli Gardens, Florence, Italy
Duomo in Glasses, Florence, Italy
Venezzia by Keenan Turner
First night in London. I’m here assisting with a Butler University theatre intensive - pos
Cliff diving at the Sea CavesCyprus
Five years after we first me in Wellington, @doris_pflame and I got to have a lovely reunion lunch i