Surrealpainting Gallery
Trippy Mushroom SkullProgram: Adobe FrescoTime: 3hr
Gold GlowInk, Oil Paint, Acrylic & Digital Art2020See More Like This
Twitter : @occvltluxuryInstagram : @occultluxury Pinterest : @occult_luxury art by: Junaid Mortimer
Twitter: @occvltluxury Instagram: @occultluxury Pinterest: @occult_luxuryart by
marcopolorules: Regresar es ⠀ volver a ocuparse⠀ de devolver a la tierra⠀ el polvo de los últimos me
Steve Schapiro - René Magritte Sleeping at MOMA, New York, 1965.
“Nunca andes por el camino trazado, pues te conducirá únicamente hacia donde
“Entre tantas incertidumbres, con todo, una cosa es cierta: si dejamos morir lo gratuito,
ROBINSON⠀ ⠀ Mi abuela es mi más querida⠀ amiga de infancia⠀ desde que tratábamos⠀ de s
Regresar es ⠀ volver a ocuparse⠀ de devolver a la tierra⠀ el polvo de los últimos meses;⠀ rec
“Las representaciones del amor mencionan la escasez al mostrar la abundancia. Celebrar med
“La infancia es una etapa maravillosa. No hay pasado, no hay futuro; sólo un presen
✨My page on #society6 is ready! There are pillows, phone/iPad/notebook stuff, mugs, clocks, etc&
✨Back on this new galaxy after a while.. 2 piece canvas.. This photo is old at the moment I&rsqu
✨Another close up of my new galaxy painting, here still in progress (this is the right canvas, the p
✨"Full Moon Effects", one of my paintings.. Last month I’ve said bye bye
✨Sneak peek of my new galaxy painting.. I will publish a photo of the entire painting in the next fe
✨"Softly Spoken Magic Spells", one of my latest paintings.. this is small, just 24
✨Left part of my new 2 piece galaxy… now I’m waiting it dries then I will be ab
✨"Whisper Between The Stars", one of my commissioned galaxies.. this is only acryl
✨Close up of one of my paintings still on sale, “Blowing bubbles, blowing colors"
✨"Second Star To The Right", one of my galaxies.. this is oil and acrylic on three
✨I’m on #society6 !✨ There you can find this and other pretty things ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀