Survivalofthefittest Gallery
ironic lol
savy montassier
In a pinch, get some water via transpiration!
Bug-out bag goals!
Nice little collection!
Keep these things stored - There’s no down-side!
In a pinch, eat these!
Don’t forget about your pets while prepping!
Disconnect the TV and reconnect to REALITY!
If you have to jump put of a car, you’re gonna be glad you saw this!
In a pinch, do this!
Great way to get directions if you’re lost
French whipping knot!
Basics of CPR - Don’t forget the basics!
What project are you holding back on? Reblog + answer, best answers get featured!
If you’re starving, well, you’ve got a source of protein. Actually, you&rsqu
Quicksand isn’t a prevalent problem, but it’s important to know this!
Cover your bases!
Do you have this stocked? Do you want to?
In a pinch, get some water via transpiration!
Bowline is so useful… Learn it!
Tell time with just your hands
Great way to make a sling club
How to dress a wound
When SHTF, know what to do!
Dream home…