Svg Icons Gallery
glenthemes:System UIcons by Corey GinnivanA library consisting of 420 minimal and elegant icons. Cr
glenthemes:Iconsax icons by vuesaxICONSAX is an abundant library consisting of over 900 SVG uic
glenthemes:System UIcons by Corey GinnivanA library consisting of 420 minimal and elegant icon
glenthemes:Iconsax icons by vuesaxICONSAX is an abundant library consisting of over 900 SVG uic
glenthemes: Iconsax icons by vuesaxICONSAX is an abundant library consisting of over 900 SVG ui
glenthemes:Iconsax icons by vuesaxICONSAX is an abundant library consisting of over 900 SVG uic
glenthemes:Iconsax icons by vuesaxICONSAX is an abundant library consisting of over 900 SVG uic
glenthemes:Iconsax icons by vuesaxICONSAX is an abundant library consisting of over 900 SVG uic
Some neatly organised icons for egghead’s “Build an Icon Set with SVG”
glenthemes:Iconsax icons by vuesaxICONSAX is an abundant library consisting of over 900 SVG uic
glenthemes: Iconsax icons by vuesaxICONSAX is an abundant library consisting of over 900 SVG ui