Tarotart Gallery
banana slamma
“Oracle” ✨
The full deck will be released soon.ⓒMio Iminstagram.com/cochlea1313landofzos.com
Knight of CupsYou know that far off, half-idea in the back of your head? It may be the right time yo
This was my first time designing art meant specifically and solely to be made into enamel pins. When
I’m currently running a K*S* campaign to get some pins and stickers made. The designs ar
Ascendwatercolor, ink, gouache
Not a fan art, but I’m really fond of my work, so I wanted to share.
Use this tarot spread today to help open up your intuition and see where you need to expand your pra
Nine of Swords, fully inked! Now on with colours :) posted on Instagram - instagr.am/p/Cae71
Final sketch for my card for from @78tarot ! I think I want to fix Miss Sleeping Beauty’s
Hey. Sometimes, something just *does not work out* and the only solution is to scrap it and start ov
#Repost @78tarot ・・・ Meet @enysguerrero who joins #78TarotNautical to create the #FourofSwords for o
2 days left until we close orders for the Sefirot Tarot deck/game on December 15th - get it her
Swords ⚔ Illustrated by me and @p-kom for the Sefirot Tarot. Preorder until Dec 15th here
Original art for the Sleepless Tarot deck. Ace of Pentagrams and The Magician.
#Repost @78tarot ・・・ Meet @enysguerrero who joins #78TarotNautical to create the #FourofSwords for o
Let’s have a 3 Card Draw from 78 Tarot Carnival. Choose the card you are drawn to and chec
Five of Pentacles by @jayde.hilliard Times seem hard right now, but don’t let them drag yo
Let’s have a 3 card draw… Choose the card that calls to you, and check back lat
Ace of Wands by @beccaturnerart The Ace keeps cropping up - demanding that you unleash the fire bur
Monday Funday! How about a fun name game brought to us by Monstarot! What is your little monster nam
It’s time for a 3 card draw from the 78 Tarot Carnival deck… Choose the card yo
The Devil by @lucacareyillustration It’s tempting to dive into a short term fix, a distrac