Teenytinydinosaurfarm Gallery
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tinysaurus-rex:teenytinydinosaurfarm:NOT PEAFOWL, BUT COOL COUSINS1. Giant Argus (Argusianus argus)
teenytinydinosaurfarm:CREAM BRABANTER CHICKS©TeenyTny DinosaurFarmCream Brabanters - the nearly two
A selection of chicks©TeenyTinyDinosaurFarm
teenytinydinosaurfarm: englishmodernism: Bantam Matches. Vintage Swedish matchbox label. I love im
teenytinydinosaurfarm:CRESTED CAYUGA DUCKSAnas platyrhynchos domesticus©Ideal PoultryCrested Cayuga
teenytinydinosaurfarm:DARK BRAHMA HEN ©TeenyTinyDinosaurFarm@clodiuspulcher
teenytinydinosaurfarm: CRESTED CAYUGA DUCKSAnas platyrhynchos domesticus©Ideal Poultry Crested
DARK CHICKSGallus gallus domesticusBlack Silkie and maybe Partridge Cochin? ©Teenytinydinosaurf
A selection of chicks©TeenyTinyDinosaurFarm
RED COCHIN MIXGallus gallus domesticus©TeenyTinyDinosaurFarm
CHICKSSome of the babies from this past week’s hatch©TeenyTinyDinosaurFarm
DAY OLD COCHIN MIX CHICKGallus gallus domesticus©teenytinydinosaurfarmBabies!
STICKY CHICKWas stuck to egg membraneChicks are hardwired to struggle. It takes strength and perseve
WHITE CHICKSGallus gallus domesticus©teenytinydinosaurfarm
MORE CHICKSFrom our April 25th Hatch©TeenyTinyDinosaurFarm