Thedominantprompts Gallery
my tshirt
rachel llanes
thedominantprompts: What’s your idea of the perfect first date with a prospective submissive? Who p
thedominantprompts: What’s an area you struggle with as a Dominant? Something you put a lot of effo
thedominantprompts: There are lots of discussions about a submissive’s limits. What are your hard li
thedominantprompts: InsecurityHappens to the best of us.* Does insecurity seem to be more prevalent
thedominantprompts: If you had the means, would you want your submissive to quit work and take care
thedominantprompts: Chores vs Service* How do you explain the difference between service and doing y
thedominantprompts: Prompt # 74Spanking can be an amazing tool for both sides
thedominantprompts: What life accomplishment are you most proud of? Does it have any bearing on your
thedominantprompts: Scheduling SpontaneityLife has the tendency to trump romance.* Can you turn your
thedominantprompts: Prompt # 75One of the jobs of a Dominant is to help
thedominantprompts: ourprerogatives: nosalvationintime: PSA: Please teach your partner how to choke