Theempressofstyle Gallery
fort mahler
edible history
Exhibit A65: |TAKE ACTI●N| . . . . Step up & take center stage in 2018 . . . Artist(s): Nicholas
WORK ETHIC: Exhibit: RP.1 ° ° °Tune in to what you are put on Earth to do; the rest is just noise. °
EMPRESS UNFILTERED| ° ° When you find your light harness it with all your might. Empress (Emperor) n
Y O U N G| G I F T E D & |B L A C K ° ° ° Youth is to understand you know nothing & waking e
FERRIS WHEELA day off as a teaching artist - is a day to invest in yourself. You can’t feed th
BLACK COFFEE ☕ . . . . It’s Monday and there is nothing better than seeing Kings & Queens
CHURCH Recap. . . . So what happen was. . . . EVERYTHING. People were floating Levitating and the w
GUARDIAN ANGEL . . . . Today’s #mcm & #EmperorbyDesign is the late Alexander McQueen. All
RHYTHM of ARITHMETIC . . . . “The only mofos in my circle are those I can learn from.” -
YOGA FOR THE SPIRIT . . . Take a minute to stretch. . . Why do you create? Do you create to fill a
WARRIOR WON| . . . In Yoga, Warrior 1 also known as Virabhadra’s Pose; “What’s rea
MUSIC & DESIGN What better way to commemorate MLK Day than with, activist & author Angela Da
My 1st Designer’s Brunch Thanks @leleandtheking1 for allowing Auntie & me time wit