Thomas Fire Gallery
shindai reika
Ornate staghorn mounted German wheel-lock pistol, circa 1580.from Thomas Delmar Auctions
Babe Ruth (right) hunting with Lou Gehrig (left) and car salesman Glen Thomas (center), 1926.
Ornate bone mounted wheel-lock rifle, Austrian or Bohemian, late 17th century.from Thomas Delmar Ltd
green creek series by tj klune
Belgian flintlock pistol with snap bayonet, early 19th century.from Thomas Delmar LTD
firebreathingsquirrels:Victor/Thomas in Smoke Signals (15/15)
A pair of English flintlock pistols produced by Waters & Co. circa 1780.from Thomas Delmar Ltd.
Silver inlaid flintlock Queen Anne pistol signed Perry, London, dated 1781.from Thomas Delmar Auctio
Turkish flintlock pistol with silver mounted buttstock, early 19th century.from Thomas Delmar Auctio
Japanese matchlock teppo, 19th century.from Thomas Delmar Ltd.
Ornate gold inlaid flintlock fowler, circa 1820’s.From Thomas Delmar Auctions.
Colt 3rd Model Dragoon percussion revolver that belong to Lt. Col. Thomas J. Jackson during the Amer
Bone mounted German wheel-lock carbine, dated 1668.from Thomas Delmar Auctions
Fine Scottish flintlock pistol crafted by Thomas Caddell of Doune, circa 1740.from Alban Arms
All steel Scottish flintlock pistol by Thomas Murdoch of Duone, circa 1780.
Snap bayonet flintlock blunderbuss by Rigby & Son of Dublin, circa 1810.from Thomas Delmar Aucti
Spanish double barrel percussion shotgun crafted by Pedro Bergara of Eibar, 1851.from Thomas Delmar
Silver stocked, gold inlaid flintlock pistol from Greece, 19th century.from Thomas Delmar Ltd.
Combine halberd and wheellock pistol, Germany, early 17th centuryfrom Thomas Delmar ltd.
Japanese matchlock, 19th century.from Thomas Delmar Ltd.
Wheel-lock rifle crafted by I.G. Dax of Munich, circa 1730.from Thomas Delmar Ltd.
firetoashtodust:thomas prior
Brass mounted pair of flintlock pistols from the Balkans, early 19th century.from Thomas Delmar LTD