Thunder Warriors Gallery
solo cock
solo masturbation
“I’ll show you that you can trust me.” My Discord server and I were discussing how
Bramblestar (+plus possesed Bramblestar eyes)
Oh boy I dont know if people will like this one or not aaa. I wanted her to have part of her face be
Hollyleaf! The book said Hollylead but I read horse
Ashfur, the hair is heavily inspired by Moonkittis design
It’s Ivypool !
Dovewing !
Decided to re-do one of my worst designs. Brambleclaw is the cat I dislike most but even he deserved
Lionblaze ! I finally have a design for him that doesn’t look like trash
Spottedpelt! Cloudstar’s daughter who grew up in Thunderclan!
Arik Taranis Thunder Warriorby George Abalayan original design by John blanche
my 3 warrior cats ocs…hawkpath: she’s a thunderclan cat. she used to be my old self insert bu
Fluff time
Anybody else like to show some Wampus house spirit for the school of Ilmervorny?
Local woman has bad taste
Muddywater - she cat, warrior of Thunderclan, sister of Fernmask and Asterbolt.Mild mannered and mod
reluctant monster
5 ft apart cause they’re just friends
soft gay + punk rock lesbian solidarity
firetailart: some real sloppy doodles of some thunderclan warriors! that took hours longer than the