Tma Tarot Gallery
album cover
The Magnus Archives Entity Tarot: The Flesh(Based on Franz von Stuck’s Lucifer)(The Eye) (The
The Magnus Archives Entity Tarot: The Dark(Based on Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s “Proserpine“)
The Magnus Archives Entity Tarot: The Stranger(Based on Magritte’s The Son of Man)(The Eye) (The
The Magnus Archives Entity Tarot: The Hunt(Based on Eugene Thirion’s Jeanne d'Arc)(The Eye) (The Co
The first four Entity Tarot cards!
here are the two cards i was also asked to design for the @tmatarot zine - The VI and X of wandsi a
after a long wait, i’m finally allowed to post the merch poster i designed for the @tmatarot
more tma tarot cards!first group
My Two of Wands (feat. Gertrude Robinson) for @tmatarot. It’s been an incredible experience se
in no particular order have some tma tarot cardsi listened to the whole thing in like 4 days im sorr
tmatarot: ✨ TMA Tarot: Production Update ✨ Hello dear readers! It’s once again time for our re
tma tarot - court cards 4/16KING OF SWORDSintellectual power, suppression of information, superiorit
before i go to bed heres another version of the tma tarot justice card - now including more symbolis
tma tarot - court cards 8/16KING OF CUPSgrowing up, maturity, berating oneself for excessive emotion
tma tarot - court cards 10/16KNIGHT OF PENTACLESslow change/progress, declining to stand out, conser
tma tarot - court cards 7/16QUEEN OF CUPSbeing/wanting to be a home, self-love and self-care, co-dep
tma tarot - court cards 11/16QUEEN OF PENTACLESpersonal growth, new business tactics or health regim
more tma tarot cards!first group
tma tarot - court cards 12/16KING OF PENTACLESmotivation to start something new, the self-made man,
tma tarot - court cards 15/16QUEEN OF WANDSmovement, new careers, charisma and entertainment, intimi
tma tarot - court cards 16/16KING OF WANDSgreat ambition, politics, leadership vs tyranny, obstacles
tma tarot - court cards 14/16KNIGHT OF WANDSlong trips, sudden change, adventure, tension, (misdirec
tma tarot - court cards 2/16KNIGHT OF SWORDSambition, impulsiveness, drive, travel by air, questioni