Toastie Art Gallery
janell shirtcliff
ceremony, auckland // grilled cheese with bacon
Dimilix king and his right hand ️
Come back to me awhile Change your taste in men (Dark Sylvain)
While reading @androugenius’s Dimilix BB entry “Katabasis”, I just got
Dimilix 色々 from me Twatter account.
Dimilix… I have nothing witty nor profound to say, I just wanted a bit of ass grabbing (n
Dimlix short break | ディミフェリ休憩
I did some pics for @slip_fe3h ’s Psycho Pass AU Dimilix! It was super fun to lean into th
Dedue and Felix (Sir highness of Faerghus, you are flanked by two gorgeous souls) - colour experimen
Fire Emblem Three Houses warm-up portraits
Hayez’s Kiss, but Dimilix
I did some pics for @slip_fe3h ’s Psycho Pass AU Dimilix! It was super fun to lean into th
Dimilix Week 2021 Day 7: MarriageCommemorative bromide from royal wedding of Faerghus | 王家婚約記念ブロマイドな
A convo from a while back with some peeps about postTS Dimitri with short hair + Felix with short ha
I am your salvation.(Done for the Dimilix Exchange 2020, Meatbike’s prompt: holy priest + corr
演出も何もありませんが勢いでただ描いてしまったおフェリ子My twatter TL was whispering about oiran Felix, so…
Pretty much only FE3H!
A Happy Dimilix New Year 2021 アケオメ2021年!ディミフェリ初詣?今年も宜しくです
“I understand that you’re having fun, but put me down already!” Dimili
Happy BDay Dimi B.
Colouring experiment + wanted to join the side-braid Felix club | 横あみフェリ公を描いてみたかっただけ
Found sisters (Edelgard & Lysithea FE3H)
Playing around with ideas for a cyberpunk AU where preTS Felix ran away from Faerghus to the Allianc
コクホコ用に描いたディミフェリ踊り子エール〜! Thanks Slip for organising this :3