Tolkienianos Gallery
peter gugerell
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the hook
tolkienianos:New Hobbit Stills
tolkienianos:tolkienianos: Húrin wedded Morwen, the daughter of Baragund son of Bregolas of the Hou
tolkienianos: Fantasy is a natural human activity. It certainly does not destroy or even insult Rea
tolkienianos: The fall of Gondolin. (Also the cover of one of “The Silmarillion” edition
tolkienianos: Many jewels the Noldor gave them, opals and diamonds and pale crystals, which they s
tolkienianos: tolkienianos: Melkor “incarnated himself” (as Morgoth) permanently. He di
tolkienianos: I do not feel quite ‘real’ or whole, and in a sense there is no one to ta
tolkienianos: Often Beleg Strongbow came to Menegroth to seek him, and led him far afield, t
tolkienianos: tolkienianos: At the time of her lament in Lórien she believed this to
tolkienianos: John Callen as Oin and Peter Hambleton as Gloin in Warner Bros. Pictures’ The H
raxacoricofallapatronus: allshallfade | tolkienianos: In fact to celebrate the start of th