Tribal Headdress Gallery
able tasman
Headdress; silver filigree work, coral and glass insets, enamel ca. 19th century, Anti Atlas region,
Tiger Chinese Child’s Hat
Headdress worn during naming ceremonies, probably Tembé (Tembe) (attributed said to have been collec
Headdress from the Karajá people of the Rio Araguaya region, Brasil, ca. 19th-20th century
This is a leather headdress from Ethiopia with wart hog tusks at the side and an iron bell hanging a
Head ring, Achuar, Ecuador ca 1925-1936
Tibetan Oracle style headdresss
The Jewelry of Jewish Brides in Northern Yemen In northern Yemen, close to the border with Saudi Ara
1880-1900 Tsimshian (First Nations) Headdress frontlet at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
"Wazpala" Headdress/crown from the Rikbaktsa people. Feathers and plant fiber, Brazil
Mebêngôkre krokrokti (feather headdress or cape), Kayapo people, Macaw feathers, heron feathers, cot
Headdress,Mursi People, Omo Valley, EthiopiaLeather, iron, warthog teeth
The Jewelry of Jewish Women in Lybia, The Israel Museum.
Saudi Arabian mask and traditional headdress with jewelry from Mansoojat Foundation’s (Museu
headdress, headdresses, bone headdress, wig, dreads, white headdress, dreadfalls, tribal, tribal he
headdress, headdresses, bone headdress, wig, dreads, white headdress, dreadfalls, tribal, tribal he
headdress, headdresses, bone headdress, wig, dreads, white headdress, dreadfalls, tribal, tribal he
headdress, headdresses, bone headdress, wig, dreads, white headdress, dreadfalls, tribal, tribal he