Truthquotes Gallery
play acting
the sona
It’s always more complicated then it seems⠀⠀#ruin #treasure #good #bad #pain #suffering #victo
Love is a give and take, not just one or the other⠀⠀#love #savior #helping #superheroes #charity #gi
No matter how much you might want to… it just won’t happen#ruling #power #governing #innocenc
The contradictions are fascinating, particularly when they are true#irony #perfection #imperfection
To what extent do you think this is actually true? How do you see the truth in the dark?⠀⠀#lying #tr
What you do matters, even if it doesn’t feel like it⠀⠀#action #result #good #bad #evil #wrong
How good are you really?#morality #goodandevil #goodandbad #enemies #enemy #life #truth #goodversuse
Banging the keys of this typewriter, with nothing to say, but I’d rather be banging you. -